Elana Bowsher

Elana Bowsher (b. 1990, San Francisco, CA) lives and works in Los Angeles, CA. A tenet of Bowshers’s work is that of duality. Her paintings embrace a legacy of abstraction in which the real, and the identifiable is distorted to the point where only a sensual idea remains. Contained within her paintings is a multitude of binaries: hard, stark brush strokes nestled against and enveloped by soft, hazy ones; identifiable forms posed next to just out of reach, hazy, deconstructed marks. Bowsher’s compositions are contingent on and carefully balanced upon these relations. Bending and billowing, her works carefully construct their own divine geometry and logic, while simultaneously referencing the natural world in its fullness.

Bowsher received her BA in art at the UCLA School of the Arts and Architecture in 2012. Elana Bowsher is currently the subject of a solo exhibition at Hannah Hoffman Gallery, Los Angeles. Recent exhibitions include Alexander Berggruen, New York; T923, Rome; Sea View, Los Angeles; Lo Butto Stahl, Paris; and Phillips, Los Angeles.

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